Case Report
Ebru Yılmaz, Kadriye Özdemir, Cemaliye Basaran,
Erkin Serdaroglu
from innocent omega 3 supplementation to
Glo. Adv. Res. J. Med. Med. Sci.
March 2015 4(3):
[full text - pdf]
Original Research Articles
Ayşegül Mavi Yıldız, Dilek Güven, Ali Atakhan Yıldız,
Selam Yekta Şendül, Saniye Üke Uzun
and Rumeysa Selvinaz Erol
Vitamin D Level Effect the Response to Intravitreal
Ranibizumab Therapy for
Diabetic Macular Edema ?
Glo. Adv. Res. J. Med. Med. Sci.
March 2015 4(3): 102-109
[full text - pdf]
Amaury de Souza, Flavio Aristone, Ismail Sabbah and
Débora A. da Silva Santos
Temperature, hospital admissions in Campo
Grande, MS, Brazil: A time-series analysis
Glo. Adv. Res. J. Med. Med. Sci.
March 2015 4(3): 110-116
[full text - pdf]
Ademokoya AA, Adebolu TT and Ogundare AO
of the Lipopolysaccharide of Escherichia coli
O157:H7 for prophylactic
ability against diarrhoea caused by homologous
organism in Wistar albino rats
Glo. Adv. Res. J. Med. Med. Sci.
March 2015 4(3): 117-120
[full text - pdf]
Agnes Ebotabe Arrey, Johan Bilsen, Patrick Lacor and
Reginald Deschepper
dont know that Im HIV positive: self-stigma in
the lives of sub-Saharan
African migrant women in Belgium
Glo. Adv. Res. J. Med. Med. Sci.
March 2015 4(3): 121-131
[full text - pdf]
Nwaokoro Joakin C, Ede Alison O, Ibe Sally NO,
Emerole Chima O, Nwufo Regina C,
Nwaokoro Amaka A and Igwe Ikenna
Attitude and Practice of Female Condom use among
Undergraduates of
three selected Higher Institutions in Owerri,
South-Eastern, Nigeria
Glo. Adv. Res. J. Med. Med. Sci.
March 2015 4(3): 132-142
[full text - pdf]
Tahany Mahmoud Refaat and Emad Girgis Kamel
of the impact of long exposure to cotton dust on
respiratory health of
workers in Minia city, Egypt
Glo. Adv. Res. J. Med. Med. Sci.
March 2015 4(3): 143-149
[full text - pdf]
Nedad Prazina
and age structure of children suffering from
obstructive pulmonary disease
in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Glo. Adv. Res. J. Med. Med. Sci.
March 2015 4(3): 150-154
[full text - pdf]
Nedad Prazina
impact of air pollution on the prevalence of
obstructive lung disease at children
Glo. Adv. Res. J. Med. Med. Sci.
March 2015 4(3): 155-158
[full text - pdf]