Aim and Scope:
Global Advanced Research Journal of Microbiology (GARJM)
ISSN: 2315-5116;
Impact Factor (ISI)
is 0.963; Indexed by:
Scopus, Eyesource, DRJI, Google
is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal with
reputable academics and experts as members of its
Editorial Board.
designed for the prompt publication of peer-reviewed
articles in all areas of the subject. The journal
articles will be accessed freely online. It covers
from molecular biology and the chemistry of
biological process to aquatic and earth
environmental aspects, as well as computational
applications, policy and ethical issues directly
related to Microbiology.
The articles
published provide wide coverage of the Environmental
Microbiology, Clinical Microbiology, Immunology,
Viriology, Bacteriology, Phycology, Mycology and
Parasitology, Protozoology, Microbial Ecology,
Probiotics and Prebiotics, Molecular Microbiology,
Biotechnology, Food Microbiology, Industrial
Microbiology, Cell Physiology, Environmental
Biotechnology, Genetics, Enzymology, Molecular and
Cellular Biology, Plant Pathology, Entomology,
Biomedical Sciences, Botany and Plant Sciences, Soil
and Environmental Sciences, Zoology, Endocrinology,
Toxicology. Our dedicated technical and editorial
team members from different fields of Plant science
and Botany ensure the quality and review standard of
our publications. GARJM publishes original articles,
brief reports, letters to editor and reviews. GARJM
is currently accepting manuscripts; you can support
this journal (GARJM) by sending your manuscripts to
us or by joining our editorial team.