Author's Instruction
The style of the manuscript should confirm to currently
acceptable usage in matters of grammar and syntax.
The journal accepts manuscript in English language only.
Every manuscript with the exception of short technical notes
and letters to the editor must be accompanied by an abstract
of 200 words or less, stating in short concise manner ,the
objectives of the study, the techniques used and what was
Articles should be organized using some or all of the
following headings; Introduction, Experimental, Apparatus,
Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement and
References. The text should define the equipment and methods
in sufficient details to permit duplication of the results.
Abbreviations that are accepted and recognized as common
scientific terminology may be used without definition. All
non-standard abbreviations should be defined at the point in
the text where they first appear.
Submission of a paper to this journal implies that the
manuscript has not been in or submitted to any other journal
and the author have obtained appropriate permission to
use data obtained for and contained in the manuscript. All
manuscripts are subject to review by two or more
independent, anonymous referees chosen by the
editor-in-chief and should be free of charge i.e. voluntary
referees. If revision is necessary, the author is asked to
re-submit the dated revised manuscript incorporating the
suggestions and recommendations of the referees within three
months from the date of notice. It must be resubmitted as a
new manuscript with reference to the previous submission.
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she will receive page proofs (PDF) for proof reading prior
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Authors must explicitly acknowledge all sources of findings
and include this information in Acknowledgement section of
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in the cover letter that accompanies the manuscript
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All research articles in the Global Advanced Research Journals have
publication procedure undergone rigorous peer-review, based
on initial editor screening and anonym zed refereeing by at
least two referees.
Authors are required to make payment of $450 as article
publication fee only after their article have been accepted.
Authors are also required to apply for partial waiver if
they could not meet up to the processing fee, especially in
developing countries such as Asia, Africa and South America
All articles are subjected to a double blind peer-review
process. Manuscript (mini-review) are invited from
academicians, researchers and practitioners for publication
considerations in Global Advanced Research Journals. Each manuscript
must include a 200 word abstract and keyword. All
manuscripts are accepted in Microsoft Word (Ms Word).
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